
Gallery-SnakesSnakes are natural predators, feeding on a variety of smaller animals.. Snakes play an important role in Florida ecosystems by controlling the population of other animals. This is good for both ecosystems and humans, as the rat and mice populations are regulated by snake predation. In Florida, there are 44 species of snakes, and 6 out these 44 snakes are VENOMOUS! So if you see a snake, try to remember what it looks like, and call J & J Wildlife Trappers and Rescue immediately for your own safety, and the safety of your family!
Venomous Florida snakes:

  • Eastern coral snake
  • Southern copperhead snake
  • Cottonmouth (water moccasin)
  • Eastern Diamondback Rattlesnake
  • Timber Rattlesnake
  • Dusky pygmy rattlesnake

In the United States, it’s estimated that OVER 1,000 people are bitten by venomous snakes each year. AND ¼ OF THOSE CASES ARE IN FLORIDA ALONE!!

DO NOT approach the snake; don’t try to catch it or to kill it. It is also important to avoid snakes that appear to be dead, as some species will actually roll over on their backs and stick out their tongue to fool potential threats. A snake’s detached head can immediately act by reflex and potentially bite. The induced bite can be just as severe as that of a live snake. Dead snakes are also incapable of regulating the venom they inject, so a bite from a dead snake can often contain large amounts of venom.



  • Remain calm.
  • Immediately call 911.
  • Immobilize the bitten area.
  • Keep affected area at or below the heart.
  • Limit victim’s movement.
  • Remove all jewelry (i.e. rings, bracelets, watch, etc.),restrictive clothing and any constricting item before swelling occurs.
  • Safely try to observe snake’s identifying traits (i.e. colors, patterns and size).


  • Don’t use a tourniquet.
  • Don’t drink or apply alcohol.
  • Don’t cut or suck the wound.
  • Don’t apply ice.
  • Don’t attempt to catch the snake.
  • Don’t attempt to kill the snake.
  • Don’t touch/handle a dead snake.